Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A few things that made me laugh this week...

"...I was feeling a bit depressed the other day, so I called Lifeline

I was put through to a call center outsourced in Saudi Arabia

I explained that I was feeling suicidal

They were very excited at this news............

and wanted to know if I could drive a truck..."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

On a more serious note....

I take my last state exam for the fire academy this friday. Its the hardest of three. I passed the other two with decent grades and Im decently confident with the but it will be tough. Its comprised mostly of all the boring and tedious stuff that I'm suppost to know. Please pray that I pass it.
I can't believe its almost over..............

Pot Smokers

I have never done drugs. But today, I gained an appreciation for those who do. Check out this beautiful piece of brain rotting, time wasting entertainment.
Don't watch it for too long......Trust me.